I present here the training equipment that I recommend because I have tested and proven it. You will also find the reasons why I made these choices so that you can do the same for yourself.
Items on a light green background are tested and approved by myself, those of which I have an old version are on a dark green background, the others are equivalent models to those that I use on a daily basis. Links to amazon are affiliate links.
For the groin protection I recommend you models which protect far behind and cushioned inside, otherwise in case of a strong impact the shell will just sink into your muscle and crush everything it contains... My venums gloves are more than 8 years old and are still in perfect condition, I use them regularly in fight but I rarely train punch bags with it. I do not know if the newer models are worthy. Shin-guard with large velcros absorb very well impacts but the slings tend to slip on mines. I switched to a foam model more convinient but it offers less protection.
The ESP knives of my club all hold out until now, they are rock-solid ! For pistols the hard plastic models allow to work disarmaments against some resistance, the softer models deform and that mess everything. But for the beginners they ar more reassuring when practicing strikes. For sticks, I did not find better that those that I handmade with wooden sticks, insulation foam and kilometers of duct tape...