In this video I detail all the exercises that were listed in the article about HIIT.
You will be able to work the whole body while varying a maximum the movements.
I also explain (in french until I translate the video) how to adapt the exercises to your level.
Continue reading...In everyday life or in self defense, the sooner you treat a problem, the less you risk. This is the first of 5 must-do to survive an attack. In Krav-Maga or in accidentology, this notion is illustrated by the concept of timeline. This is the chronological sequence of a past or hypothetical attack and what can be done at each step.
Without these 5 elements, the best techniques in the world are useless! We will also see that some clichés die hard and that the most important is not always what we believe.
Continue reading...Self-defense is a legal term that means that violent action was justified to defend oneself. Most citizens have some misconceptions of that right. So we will see what is allowed by French the law and if unfortunately if you have to use violence, how to justify your reaction.
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